About the course:
Our instructor-led React training course is a great way for you to get up to speed with the latest version Facebook's React JavaScript library to rapidly create well-structured front-end applications.
This hands-on React workshop is aimed at existing software developers - all technical backgrounds are welcome (for instance JavaScript, ASP.NET Core, Spring, Django...)
To be an effective React developer you need a confident understanding of modern JavaScript patterns - so you'll start your course with an in depth review of ES6+ before moving on to hands-on coverage of Functional Programming and Typescript with a view to building well-optimised front-end applications.
Our aim is to give you a highly practical course so that you'll leave the React workshop with usable code and ideas which you're free to implement in your own projects.
Remote attendance is available - as part of a wider training programme or standalone workshop, as a custom on-site course, and we're looking forward to recommencing public scheduled courses in London.
Let us know if you'd like to discuss organising a custom React course for your team. We're happy to customise private courses to include other relevant technologies - for instance, you may also be interested in topics from our TypeScript course or our GraphQL training course too.
Express React training option:
Let us know if you are interested in an on-demand condensed 2-day intensive workshop to get up to speed with the core React functionality (suitable for experienced web developers).
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