About the course:
The average size of a web page has been continually increasing year-on-year for over a decade; as more powerful devices are created to utilise web pages, more impressive content is being made available. However, this increase has not come for free.
Slow, un-optimised, web pages are not only annoying - and potentially expensive in terms of bandwidth - but are being penalised heavily by search engines in their rankings. Not taking the time to optimise your website could cost you SEO ranking, visits, bounces, and directly affect the bottom line.
This course explores strategies to measure and manage web site performance, including factors which should drive business and design decisions. Based largely around the Chrome Dev Toolset, plenty of hands-on exercises and real-world examples will consolidate understanding and encourage good practices.
Remote virtual instructor-led delivery gives us the flexibility to offer you more options to customise a workshop to meet your team's needs, taking into account learning goals, on-going projects, and working-from-home considerations.
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