About the course:
Tame your Big Data - Learn Hadoop
Our Big Data with Hadoop training course is designed to show Software Developers, DBAs, Business Intelligence Analysts, Software Architects and other vested stakeholders how to use key Open Source technologies in order to derive significant value from extremely large data sets.
We will show you how to overcome the challenges of managing and analysing Big Data with tools and techniques such as Apache Hadoop, NoSQL databases and Cloud Computing services.
Our Big Data with Hadoop course features extensive hands-on exercises reflecting real-world scenarios, and you are encouraged to take these away to kick-start your own Big Data efforts.
The course is delivered by an industry expert with extensive experience of implementing cutting-edge high performance Data Analysis platforms and processes in large-scale retail, marketing and scientific projects.
Big Data training is available in London and also for hands-on custom on-site delivery. Call for details.
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