Power BI Training Course

Create powerful self-service business intelligence solutions

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Power BI Training Course

"I enjoyed the detailed explanations along with good communication during the course."

Root Cause Analysis Training Course
Anon, Business Analyst

Power BI Training Course

"One of the best courses that i have undergone in RCA"

Root Cause Analysis Training Course
Anon, Business Analyst

Power BI Training Course

"Trainer gave good explanations and good demonstration of knowledge which gave me confidence, ppt is clear and easy to follow"

Root Cause Analysis Training Course
Anon, Business Analyst

About the course:

Our Power BI training course will give you hands-on experience with Microsoft's heavy hitting Business Intelligence platform. Open up more highly-extensible reporting and analysis capabilities than you would have thought possible.

The latest suite of Power BI tools are the culmination of a raft of integration, business logic, visualisation and deployment technologies presented in such a way that self-service "pick-your-own" business intelligence now brings genuinely powerful control and takes away a lot of the complexity these functions would previously have required.

Power BI has the capability to pull in and process data from hundreds of other platforms - not just Microsoft's own (such as Dynamics, Sharepoint, SQL Server, Excel...) but pretty much anything with a solid API, whether on-premise or in the cloud - and squirt out interactive dashboards to browsers and desktop / mobile apps.

If you have a specific use case, project requirement or skills gap, please get in touch to find out how we can tailor a Power BI training workshop for you and / or your team's needs for flexible, remote, custom delivery.

We're happy to offer this instructor-led Power BI training online; in-person at our London training centre, or at your location of choice. Please get in touch to find out about flexible options to suit your team.

Trusted by:

Public Courses Dates and Rates

Standard duration: 3 Days

Please get in touch for pricing and availability.

Interested in this course?

If you want to explore how you can tailor this course for your organisation, want to sign up for our newsletter, or have any other questions then please speak to us on 020 3137 3920 or get in touch using this form.

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