Each module includes a presentation, followed by a lab where delegates execute various statements, before trying to write their own queries.
Module 1: Get Started with Transact-SQL
Introduction to SQL Server Management Studio, the SQL language elements and the SELECT statement.
Lab1: Writing basic SELECT statements to retrieve data from the Adventureworks Database
Module 2: Filter and Sort Query Results
Ordering the output of the result set using ORDER BY and filtering the data using DISTINCT and the WHERE clause.
Lab 2: In this lab, you'll use the Transact-SQL SELECT statement to query and filter data in the Adventureworks database.
Module 3: Query Multiple tables
AN introduction to combining multiple tables using INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN, CROSS JOIN and self joins.
Lab 3: In this lab, you'll use the Transact-SQL SELECT statement to query multiple tables in the Adventureworks database.
Module 4: Using Subqueries
Introducing Scalar and list subqueries along with Correlated-subqueries.
Lab 4: In this lab, you'll use subqueries to retrieve data from tables in the AdventureWorks database.
Module 5: Use Built-in Functions
T-SQL includes many built in functions – String, date/time, logical etc. This module introduces some of the more commonly used ones.
The module then looks at Aggregate functions and the use of the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses of the SELECT statement.
Lab 5: In this lab, you'll use built-in functions to retrieve and aggregate data in the AdventureWorks database.
Module 6: Modifying Data
Adding modifying and removing data is covered using the INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements. Also understanding the IDENTITY property and SEQUENCEs to generate numerical values.
Lab 6: In this lab, you'll insert, update, and delete data in the AdventureWorks database.