COVID-19 Data Analysis in Black and White with Python Pandas
The COVID-19 pandemic has been the defining feature of the last 18 months, the related data the focus of much research. We look at two data sets that can be obtained free from public sources & how the Python Pandas library can be used to perform some simple data analytics.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been the defining feature of the last 18 months, the related data the focus of much research. Many organisations including Google, and the UK Government, have made this data publicly available, so that it can be analysed by academics, students and other interested parties. Such analysis can be achieved using a variety of tools from MatLab, through R to Python
and its Data Analytics stack that includes the Pandas data analytics library and Matplotlib graphing library.
In this blog we will look at two data sets that can be obtained free from public sources and how the Python Pandas library can be used to perform some simple data analytics.
The Data
We shall be using two datasets to explore data around the COVID pandemic through the python Pandas library. These data sets are described below.
On this site the user can select from various criteria to identify the region, the metrics, the date range of interest and the data format they require. For this blog we selected the UK as the area, the latest data available for 2020, the CSV data format (as that is easy to work with) and a set of metrics to download. The metrics selected were daily hospital cases, daily new admissions, new COVID cases, as well as the number of people who had their first and second vaccinations, as shown below:
To make it possible to repeat such experiments the web site also provides a permanent link for data request, which is given below:
It makes available two files that can be downloaded; the first provides a Global view of mobility while the second provides separate data files for all the regions covered by Google. This second data set is the one which was downloaded for this blog. This download is provided as a ZIP file. When unzipped it contains many different data files for different countries. For this blog the GB data file was selected.
The data is quite wide ranging and includes information on the percentage change of Google users for visits and length of stay at different places such as retail locations, parks, transport hubs etc.
Both datasets will now be processed using the Python Pandas library.
Python Pandas
The Python Pandas library provides facilities that simplify accessing, processing and visualizing data sets. Pandas itself builds on other libraries such the NumPy library. It is also commonly used with graphing libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn. The relationship between all of these and Python is illustrated below.
The intention of the above diagram is to illustrate how one library often builds on another but can be used independently or in combination.
Pandas is not provided as a default part of the Python environment; and instead must be installed along with any other 3rd
party libraries being used. This can be done using pip or conda (depending on how you are manging your Python environments). Pip is a tool used to install Python packages and is provided as part of Python. Conda, another package management tool, is part of Anaconda and is a popular choice for data scientists using Python. Both can be used to install Pandas as shown below:
As we will also be using Matplotlib and Seaborn, we will need to install both these 3rd party libraries as well:
Pandas Series and DataFrames
The key concepts within Pandas are the Series and the DataFrame. A series is a 1-dimensional array like object that holds data of a specific type (such as an integer, a string or a float). Each value is accessible via an index value which can be a numeric integer such as 0 or 1 or a label such as a string or a time stamp. The following diagram illustrates two such Series, one is indexed numerically from Zero and holds a sequence of floats, the second is indexed by a set of timestamps and holds a sequence of integers.
A DataFrame is a tabular structure a bit like a spreadsheet. It has columns and rows. Each column has a type and a label. The columns are represented by Series. Each row has an index. The index could be numeric or some other value such as a sequence of dates. A DataFrame can be visualized as shown below:
We will use DataFrames to load, process and analyse the COVID related data sets.
Loading and Analysing UK COVID dataset
The first thing we will do is load the CSV file, obtained from the UK Government COVID data portal, into a Pandas DataFrame. This is very easy to do with Panadas as it provides a function called read_csv() that can be used for this exact purpose. All we need to do is import the Pandas library and then call the function. Note that it is a common convention within the Python words to alias pandas to pd as a shorthand reference to the library.
The following code loads the dataset into a DataFrame:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
df1 = pd.read_csv('overview_2021-07-15.csv')
The variable df1 now contains a reference to a Pandas DataFrame. There can be a lot of data held in a DataFrame which can make it hard to visualize, however the functions head() and tail() can be used to see the first few, and the last few, rows in the DataFrame:
The above code obtains the head and the tail of the DataFrame,then converts them into a string format that is suitable for printing. The output from these is given below:
areaCode areaName areaType date hospitalCases newAdmissions newCasesByPublishDate newPeopleVaccinatedFirstDoseByPublishDate newPeopleVaccinatedSecondDoseByPublishDate
0 K02000001 United Kingdom overview 2021-07-15 NaN NaN 48553 NaN NaN
1 K02000001 United Kingdom overview 2021-07-14 3786.0 NaN 42302 60374.0 185661.0
2 K02000001 United Kingdom overview 2021-07-13 3623.0 NaN 36660 59073.0 158276.0
3 K02000001 United Kingdom overview 2021-07-12 3415.0 NaN 34471 54296.0 125360.0
4 K02000001 United Kingdom overview 2021-07-11 3144.0 582.0 31772 42000.0 107620.0
areaCode areaName areaType date hospitalCases newAdmissions newCasesByPublishDate newPeopleVaccinatedFirstDoseByPublishDate newPeopleVaccinatedSecondDoseByPublishDate
527 K02000001 United Kingdom overview 2020-02-04 NaN NaN 0 NaN NaN
528 K02000001 United Kingdom overview 2020-02-03 NaN NaN 0 NaN NaN
529 K02000001 United Kingdom overview 2020-02-02 NaN NaN 0 NaN NaN
530 K02000001 United Kingdom overview 2020-02-01 NaN NaN 0 NaN NaN
531 K02000001 United Kingdom overview 2020-01-31 NaN NaN 2 NaN NaN
This is still quite hard to read, not least as there are numerous columns in the data but also because of the presence of a lot of NaN values which indicate missing values.
Despite this we can already see a few things about this data, for example, there are 531 rows and that there are several columns which don't provide much in the way of meaningful information for us. For example, we know that this data is about the UK thus areaCode, areaName and areaType which all indicate that this is data about the UK are not particularly useful and all have the same values. We can therefore choose to drop these columns from the DataFrame:
The drop() method of the DataFrame is given a list of the columns to remove, followed by the axis option which indicates its columns we are dropping not rows. The final parameter inplace indicates that it should change the DataFrame itself rather than generate a new DataFrame for the result.
Now when we look at the output from the DataFrame we have less columns and less meaningless data:
date hospitalCases newAdmissions newCasesByPublishDate newPeopleVaccinatedFirstDoseByPublishDate newPeopleVaccinatedSecondDoseByPublishDate
0 2021-07-15 NaN NaN 48553 NaN NaN
1 2021-07-14 3786.0 NaN 42302 60374.0 185661.0
2 2021-07-13 3623.0 NaN 36660 59073.0 158276.0
3 2021-07-12 3415.0 NaN 34471 54296.0 125360.0
4 2021-07-11 3144.0 582.0 31772 42000.0
Of course, we can go further; we can now easily see that there is a date column with individual dates starting from the 15th of July 2021. However, at the moment all that the DataFrame knows about this column is that it contains objects (specifically strings). However, if we tell the DataFrame that this column actually represents dates, or more specifically datetime information, then we can perform date related comparisons on it, such as selecting all rows between a start and end date.
We can tell the DataFrame that the date column should be treated as a set of datetime objects using the Pandas to_datetime() function:
df1['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df1['date'])
This code tells Pandas to convert the date column in the df1 DataFrame to a set of datetime instances and then to overwrite the original column with the new version. Note how columns can be accessed using the square bracket (index) notation.
We can now perform several operations on the DataFrame using the date column:
# Sort the rows into ascending date order
# Want to select 2020-02-15 to 2020-12-31 dates
# Set up a mask to indicate the date election
date_mask = (df1['date'] > '2020-02-14') & (df1['date'] <= '2020-12-31')
# Select all the rows that meet the mask search criteria
df1 = df1.loc[date_mask]
This code snippet does three things:
It re-sorts the rows in the DataFrame into ascending (rather than descending) date order. This is done using the sort_values() method available from the DataFrame object. This function takes three parameters: ► " by " which is used to indicate the column to use for sorting, ► " ignore_index " which indicates that the current index should be ignored and ► " inplace " option as used previously.
We then want to select just those rows associated with dates between the 14th of Feb 2020 and the 31st
of December 2020. This is because we are interested only in the 2020 data and the Google data only covers from 14thof Feb 2020 onwards. To do this we set up a mask. This returns a series of True and False values for each row in the DataFrame. If a row meets the condition specified in the test, then the value True is generated otherwise it is False.
The DataFrame loc() method is then used to select the rows which match the condition in the mask. The loc() method will return each row where there is a corresponding True in the date_mask.
If we now look at the head and tail of the DataFrame we can see:
date hospitalCases newAdmissions newCasesByPublishDate newPeopleVaccinatedFirstDoseByPublishDate newPeopleVaccinatedSecondDoseByPublishDate
15 2020-02-15 NaN NaN 0 NaN NaN
16 2020-02-16 NaN NaN 0 NaN NaN
17 2020-02-17 NaN NaN 0 NaN NaN
18 2020-02-18 NaN NaN 0 NaN NaN
19 2020-02-19 NaN NaN 0 NaN NaN
date hospitalCases newAdmissions newCasesByPublishDate newPeopleVaccinatedFirstDoseByPublishDate newPeopleVaccinatedSecondDoseByPublishDate
331 2020-12-27 22764.0 2870.0 30501 NaN NaN
332 2020-12-28 24049.0 3133.0 41385 NaN NaN
333 2020-12-29 25549.0 3249.0 53135 NaN NaN
334 2020-12-30 26551.0 3288.0 50023 NaN NaN
335 2020-12-31 26578.0 2915.0 55892 NaN NaN
The above output shows that the head of the data starts on the 15th of Feb and the tail ends on the 31st of December 2020 and that there are now 335 rows of data.
We can also see that there are still a large number of NaN values in the printout. It can be useful to see how many such values there are for each column. We can do this by testing each value in the DataFrame for NaN (or nothing or null) and then counting the results for each column. As the DataFrame allows operations to be performed in batch (as efficiently as possible) we can do this using two batch functions isnull() and sum():
Here, we can see that the last two rows in the above list indicate that the associated columns provide virtually no significant information as they contain no significant data (this is probably because the data is from 2020 and prior to the main vaccine roll out in the UK). We can therefore also drop these columns from our DataFrame:
Now if we print a random sample of the DataFrame we can see that we have a simpler set of data with mostly meaningful information:
# Select a random sample of 10 rows form the DataFrame
Some of the data generated by the above statement is given below, note as we used the sample() method the rows are selected randomly and are not in order:
If we now wished to see how movement changed during the 2020 year we can take the Google Mobility Data set for the UK and perform similar analysis. The following code does exactly this:
# Load the google Mobility data for the UK
df2 = pd.read_csv('2020_GB_Region_Mobility_Report.csv', low_memory=False)
# Drop columns that don't provide any additional data
df2['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df2['date'])
df2.rename(columns={'retail_and_recreation_percent_change_from_baseline': 'retail_and_recreation_change'}, inplace=True)
# Pick up the first 322 rows
df2 = df2.head(321)
The only additional to the previous code is that we have renamed the retail_and_recreation_percent_change_from_baseline column to retail_and_recreation_change as it is shorter to reference. The output from the above code is:
We now have two DataFrames both containing data where there are associated dates and COVID related information. As we would like to work with these two DataFrames together, we will merge the two DataFrames we have previously obtained, using the Pandas merge() function. This will join the two DataFrames based on the date with each row holding data from both DataFrames:
We can now look at the relationships between data from the UK government and from Google COVID mobility portals. For example, we can look to see if there are any positive or negative correlations between this data:
There is a lot of data here but one of the things we can see is that there appears to be a negative correlation between HospitalCases and retail_and_recreation_change.
This might be useful to visualize on a graph. We can therefore generate a new DataFrame containing just the date and the HospitalCases and retail_and_recreation_change data:
We can now choose to plot this data in different ways. For example, we might decide to generate a simple line graph that illustrates the relationship between these two data columns. To do this we are using Matplotlib and Seaborn, this means we need to import those libraries so that they are accessible to our program and initialise the graphing configuration values using sns.set():
Note that because the two columns have different value ranges, we need to plot them on two separate axes to see their respective changes. To do this we create two axis objects: one for the hospitalCases and one for the retail_and_recreation_change data. We then plot the graph:
This graph does highlight the trends in the data but there is quite a lot of noise in the red line. We might therefore decide smooth out each data point by taking an average across the 7 preceding days. This can be done using the rolling() function and then taking the mean of the rolling values. These new values can then also be graphed and appropriate labels added:
In conclusion
We can quickly build, manipulate and visualise data thanks to Python and free open source tools such as Pandas, Matplotlib and Seaborn.
In this relatively simple instance we've brought together two sets of freely downloadable UK data to display how the number of COVID-related hospital cases correlated to the movement of shoppers in 2020 - the relationship between the two factors is rather striking and a good demonstration of the power of data visualisation.
You can apply these data analysis techniques to a huge variety of data types, at scale. It is possible to extract and refine valuable information from virtually any source.
Please note the Google Mobility Datasets are available only for a limited time.
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