Getting bang for your training buck

Maximising your budget while getting great educational value.

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Maintaining and improving skills is having something of a renaissance and it's no coincidence we're seeing interest pick up in a number of different technologies and methodologies. 

At Framework Training we're well aware that different companies are taking varied approaches in the return to the office and we're here to support your learning needs accordingly - with cost-effective instructor-led training - both face-to-face and delivered remotely.

And we know that it's more important than ever to ensure that training budgets are optimised to ensure good value and a return on investment. 

There are a number of ways we can help - you may be interested in corporate / volume pricing for staff attending public scheduled courses, and another great way to get the most relevant training is private / closed training just for your team.  

Person viewing remote training on a laptop

Training can bring your team together

Custom courses can deliver impact for your business on a number of levels and in some cases save you money. These are some of the criteria you need to consider before choosing which type of training to pursue:

  • Private courses for single clients (a.k.a. “closed training”) can work out significantly cheaper than sending individuals on equivalent piecemeal courses.
  • Bespoke courses can take your real-world project requirements and current skills into account – so it’s much more relevant than a set of pre-recorded videos.
  • You can focus purely on the topics that meet your learning goals – an efficient way to get up to speed.
  • Learning together is great for team-building – especially important for remote working teams.
  • You can benefit from flexible scheduling options – avoiding “Zoom fatigue” by spreading out sessions – which also gives you more time to absorb and practice what you’ve learnt.
  • Instructors can bring solid industry experience into the virtual classroom - so unlike eLearning, your team will get real-time guidance and interaction with a domain expert.
  • Gives your team focus – setting a specific window allows you to assign appropriate time to learning.

How do I plan a closed course?

At Framework Training we do all of the above and can help you identify and understand your requirements. We’ll help you ask the right questions to find out if you can maximise your budget by combining training requests.

For instance, one staff member might be asking for Microservices training, while another team is looking for Docker training – you’d be forgiven for not realising they might be served by the same course. The same goes for lots of technologies and methodologies.

And when it comes to organising calendars, video conferencing invites, sending out setup information and all that – we've got you covered.

The easiest step forward is to give us a call or send us a message. We love designing learning solutions that tick all the boxes. You could even send us a list of your organisation’s training needs - we’ll be glad to point out ways we can reduce costs without compromising on quality.

Talk to us today to find out we can help you maximise your investment into staff education.

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